Framing Statement

-Active and critical reading

I annotated what I understood about key concepts and drew relationships between the texts when I was working on Read Alexander and Bradnt Selections.


-Document work, mla

Final draft, homework on signal phrases, embedded quotes

-critique your own and others work

Review your comments on peer’s drafts of the project

I commented on Tuzzo’s sentence “Gee would agree here he states faking is the start of getting into the discourse but it is rare for one to 100% fit in the discourse”. At other sentence where I thought there was an error I commented “Both G and C says faking is the primary step for one to gain a discourse. It might be better if you make this sentence clear”

At Shamus’s I saw he tried to emphasize the importance of one’s own identity and commented the quote for that was relevant.

-writing as a recursive process

-Changes to better frame the project

I tried to set up the ‘problem’ of discourse entry in the intro. At my first draft, I just cited the basic idea of Gee and C of getting into the discourse. After I revised I made my summary of PD and SD better and mentioned I don’t agree with G.

-Reorganize of paragraphs to more effectively develop the project

At first draft when I explained about G’s idea about ‘Mushfake’ and connected it to apprenticeship and metaknowledge it was not well organized. I tried to put G and C’s idea at one paragraph but this made it harder for the readers to catch up the point. At the second draft I made the relationship between mushfake, apprenticeship and meta knowledge more clear and split the paragraph into two. At the first para I focused on explaining G’s idea and at the second para I focused on connecting G’s idea into C’s point.


-integrate ideas with those of others

-selecting quotes that are interesting, revealing, or in need of discussion or response

-providing context for the specific passages being quoted or paraphrased

At the first part of the paragraph I set an example of getting literate at a discourse of business. I quoted from G’s passage “partial acquisition coupled with meta-knowledge…” to explain the mechanism for gaining the literacy of a discourse. I also quoted about “apprenticeship into social practices…..” to explain the relationship between meta knowledge and apprenticeship. This relates to ‘Mushfake’ which is not a perfect composition of a discourse.

-(making clear boundaries between one’s own ideas/words and those of one’s sources

I made my own point about Cuddy’s idea. Cuddy didn’t mention the word ‘discourse’ but I concluded that one can fake as if he has a particular discourse and this will eventually lead him to the mastery of the discourse. I said believing in oneself and practicing will result in the mastery and this will happen only if he survived a competition and hard work.

-control individualized error patterns

-proofreading that yields final drafts with fewer errors than appear in the earlier draft

-patterns of error in early draft are reduced
