They say I say


Reading particularly challenging texts

Contemporary feminist debates over the meaning of gender lead time and again to a certain sense of trouble, as if the indeterminacy of gender might eventually culminate in the failure of feminism. Perhaps trouble need not carry such a negative valence.


When I face particularly challenging text like this, it is hard to find out what view the author is discussing. The author’s idea is not immediately identified in those words. I get intimidated by the tough usage of words. To understand I would repeat the passage over until I spot the arguments. I then reconstruct the sentences based on my words. The thing what I have to be careful about is I shouldn’t misunderstand the author’s idea to the typical ideas that most of us are familiar with. For example when I read the passage above, I couldn’t connect the meaning of the words in the sentences. After repeated readings, I could grasp the meaning of the passage that it was explaining the true meaning of feminism.



