questions for reading gee and cuddy

1. What is the difference between a primary and a secondary Discourse? Why is Gee’s distinction between dominant and nondominant discourses important?

Primary discourse is gained by being a member of a closest socializing group. Through this, one interact with others and make particular sense of the world. Secondary discourse is more broader than primary discourse, it is beyond the family and close peer group. Dominant discourses are the ones which bring the acquisition of social ‘goods’ while non dominant discourses focus on one’s social network.

2. Cuddy’s research explores nonverbal communication, as she tells us (para. 4). Why is this nonverbal behavior important to those who would be in the Discourse of business? Be sure to provide evidence from Cuddy in your response.


Non verbal behavior is important to those who would be in the discourse of business. In the business field it is important to interact with various people, and confident attitude is essential in this. Making themselves smaller is not a helpful behavior. Showing full range of power non-verbal is important.

3. Take close-up photos foursubstantive annotations you have made to Gee’s (pp. 7-9) article and Cuddy’s transcript. (At least two for Gee and two for Cuddy.) Be sure to explain what you are doing in each of those four annotations. (Don’t quote the annotation.

  1. I explained why the given examples in the passage are proper to emphasizing the hidden effects of nonverbals. Through people’s nonverbal behavior they judge each other without the purpose of doing so.
  2. I explained why nonverbals is important to those who would be in the discourse of business.
  3. I explained the difference between dominant and non dominant discourses
  4. I explained the difference between the primary and secondary discourses.


