My literacy narrative would fit into ‘Success’ category since I learned a lesson from the experience. I learned that literature interpreting ability should not be evaluated by multiple choice exams and there could be various interpretation of a literature.
Before I came to college, I worried about time managing. College environment is very different from high school. In high school time table is already set and all the other classmates are put together in one place. This makes it easier to concentrate and time managing is not hard to deal with. However, in college students have to make their own schedule and almost every other students have different time table. If I don’t put extra effort into the school work I will fall behind. To overcome this fear I tried to motivate myself and self-fulfilled whenever I’m done with the assigned work. This habit eventually lead me to find better study strategies and improve academic abilities. With these growth mindset, I could believe in myself and this attitude made it possible for me to deal with college works.
His story is a good example of Cuddy’s claim where she says “realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she become it”. His story is an exact opposite example of Gee’s view on becoming literate in certain discourse. At first Gee could regard Tyler as a ‘pretender’ among the discourse of Korean language. However he improved the fluency of speaking Korean through years of participation and practice. This made him become literate in the Korean discourse.
His story is a good example of Cuddy’s claim where she says “realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she become it”. His story is an exact opposite example of Gee’s view on becoming literate in certain discourse. At first Gee could regard Tyler as a ‘pretender’ among the discourse of Korean language. However he improved the fluency of speaking Korean through years of participation and practice. ‘Fake’ means trying it at first when learning something new. He practiced Korean as a way of faking it. This made him become literate in the Korean discourse.
Original: One can use their knowledge from other discourses to fake being a part of the new discourse. Gee explains ‘apprenticeship into social practices through scaffolded and supported interaction with people who have already mastered the discourse’ as a process of becoming a member. Everyone who is trying to gain the literacy of the discourse go through the process what Gee says ‘Mushfake’. One can gain the chance to become a part of a discourse by mushfaking it. However Gee claims mushfaking cannot make a person become an ultimate part of the discourse. If one cannot acquire discourse through active social practice, and it is difficult to compete with the people who have already mastered it, Gee says true acquisition will rarely happen and only ‘mushfake discourse’ which is only partial demonstration of the discourse is possible.
Revised: If on cannot acquire discourse through active social practice, and it is difficult to compete with the people who have already mastered it, Gee says true acquisition will rarely happen and only ‘mushfake discourse’ which is only partial demonstration of the discourse is possible. These conclusions, which Gee discusses about the limit of mushfaking, add weight to the argument that one can fake that he has certain discourse, but in reality he does not.
original: One can feel powerful by posing power nonverbals which is faking it. She says one can fake as if he has a particular discourse and this will eventually lead him to the mastery of the discourse. Believing in oneself and practicing will result in the mastery. This gain of literacy will happen only if he survived a competition and hard work.
Revised: One can feel powerful by posing power nonverbals which is faking it. She says one can fake as if he has a particular discourse and this will eventually lead him to the mastery of the discourse. Believing in oneself and practicing will result in the mastery. This gain of literacy will happen only if he survived a competition and hard work. I wholeheartedly endorse what Cuddy explains about the process to the mastery of a discourse. I think not only in the literacy of business, but also in language Cuddy’s idea applies.
Original: His story is a good example of Cuddy’s claim where she says “realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she become it”. His story is an exact opposite example of Gee’s view on becoming literate in certain discourse. At first Gee could regard Tyler as a ‘pretender’ among the discourse of Korean language. However he improved the fluency of speaking Korean through years of participation and practice.
Revised: His story is a good example of Cuddy’s claim where she says “realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she become it”. His story is an exact opposite example of Gee’s view on becoming literate in certain discourse. At first Gee could regard Tyler as a ‘pretender’ among the discourse of Korean language. However he improved the fluency of speaking Korean through years of participation and practice. This made him become literate in the Korean discourse. In Gee’s standard Tyler entered into the discourse at late timing, but still a lot of Koreans regard his ability of speaking Korean is as fluent as native speakers. Gee overlooks what I consider an important point about one’s effort and practice.
Me-Primary discourse is the foundation for many other discourses and one can be automatically included in this discourse.
Shamus-“Why is primary discourse the foundation and what does it consist of””
Explain more about primary discourse
According to Gee, primary discourse is the one people first use to make sense of the world and interact with others. It would be better for readers to understand the exact difference of primary and secondary discourse if I add more explanation here. One can gain primary discourse at home early in life and he form primary identity. This becomes the base for one to gain other discourses in the future.
2. Me-his story is a good example of Cuddy’s claim
Shamus-“Maybe just give a few words to wrap it up on why it is a good example”
Relation between Cuddy’s claim and example of Tyler
I think for the readers it would be better to add some explanations of Cudd’s claim and example of Tyler. At first I just ended up with one sentence after giving example of Tyler. Unlike Gee Cuddy thinks one can ultimately be in the discourse if he goes through constant involvement and practice. Tyler successfully entered into Korean discourse through solid process.
3. shamus-‘Maybe you could explain what mushfake is to give a better understanding instead of the reader being ‘blind’ while reading it
Me-one can fake as if he has a particular discourse and this will eventually lead him to the mastery of the discourse.
Shamus-“Why is this”
Explanation of mushfake and the mastery of discourse
The part where I annotated about mushfake could be added to this part of revision. By mushfaking, one can gain an opportunity to experience what a discourse is like. If he cannot acquire the discourse through this process, only limited mastery is possible. People only who successfully went through the acquisition can gain the literacy of the discourse. I will add more standard for the sentence above to make sense.
explanation of sympathetic fallacythe advance of primary discourse to the secondary discourse and the effect of home experienceChild’s oral text-simplified analogues of high literatureDisagree against Gee’s idea that only mushfake is possible and ultimate acquire is discourse is impossible