class note (3/28)

too much oil-limited non renewable resources

too much water- limited resource, slowly renewable

unhealthy- we have to be trained to eat as much as we do

impoverished food culture-out of balance, “lost” knowledge

What the world eats

The consumption patterns changed over last 50 years across the world. During 1961~1971, grain consumption increased from 1085 calories to 1169 calories. The consumption of grain, sugar and fat also increased for next ten years. Consumption of dairy, eggs, meats and others remained constant during this time. People consumed more grain, sugar and fat for next ten years. Consumption of meat also increased while dairy and eggs decreased. Intake of Grain decreased for next 20 years while meat, sugar, and fat increased substantially. Meat consumption has nearly doubled since 1961. This trend shows how much the population and industry has grown. South Korea’s meat consumption has increased by 83% compared to 1961, and the rate increased by 30% in US. This correspond to one of the Bittman’s claim that the world’s population doubled and meat consumption increased five-fold from 1950 to 2000.

class note 3/26



US lack of food culture-american eat all kinds of ethnic food, but most other cultures focus on their own food

How much oil goes into food production

I would change my diet from eating industrially produced food to eating less reliant on industrially produced food.  More vegetables would be included in my diet.



Reading Kingsolver


Push factors: poverty, and people are being too religious

Desert environment

Pull factors: more freedom, respect individual’s different tastes

Better food services,

Better environment with wooded mountains and pasture.


The knowledge old generation had was about agricultural basics which brought intuitive sense on farming. For example the season certain fruits and vegetables ripen, the way to preserve them, how their looks change as season changes. This knowledge is essential for knowing how and when to look after foods.



Cheap corns and soybeans were formerly food for people and animals. These became high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and thousands of other oil based chemicals.

Naturally based to a highly mechanized production system.

The packages of foods have gotten bigger to accommodate increased demand of calories.


Genuine food culture is an relationship between people and the soil that is needed to grow food. The place people live is as same as the place where the soil is available. The soil is filled with dirt and nutrient food is needed to grow. The ingredients of food take steps to be formed.

class notes (3/21)


suburbs  took over farms


these times were pivet points for what we’ve got today

different ethics affect to various food consumption styles

It makes sense to raise animals industrially. I don’t have to consider moral and ethical aspect of eating industrially produced food since the purpose of those raised animals were originally not for something else other than eating.  Also cultural differences affect when it comes to judge whether or not it is okay to eat raised animals. While one side of culture admits there is no problem for eating certain food, others might think different.

class notes 3/19

whats wrong with the way we eat?

-daily foods are focused on fast foods

-no balanced nutrients in daily meals

Mark Bittman (3 thoughts, 2 questions, 1 analogy)

-methane is more poisonous than co2

-western diets is the major cause of diabetes, heart diseases

-changing the way we eat is beneficial to the earth environment

-why are there examples of healthy people when they keep western diets?

-How does our eating pattern affects our health?


changing the way we eat is like changing fixed pattern of our daily schedule.


My favorite food-steak cooked in medium well done. Typically eat in restaurants with family and friends. I feel better when I eat it

Food I hate-Usually don’t like sea foods. I don’t like fishy smell coming out of the dishes.  I feel rather unsatisfied when I think about it. I wouldn’t express my feelings directly when served in my friend’s house, I would just try to eat it.

writing workshop 2

Sponsors in a literacy contribute to the ones who are getting sponsored by in a various way. They usually play an important role in a literacy narrative. Sponsors can determine a trait of the writer’s story. The may lead the people to write a success narrative or a rebel narrative. Learners can often move from an identity to different identity in a narrative.

       Sponsors can have negative effect to the ones who are getting sponsored by. This lead students write rebel narrative. According to Brandt, “sponsors are any agent who enable, support, teach. The concept of sponsorship is suggestive for explaining the outcome of one’s literacy success.” (Brandt). “Sponsors” is a fitting term for the figures who affect a lot in people’s memories of literacy learning such as teachers or supervisors. In Brandt’s passage he gives an actual example of how the quality of a sponsor can affect people. A person named Raymond was supervised by some of the most powerful agents of the university, while Dora Lopez was being sponsored by her parents who worked part time jobs at a local university. The outcome of Raymond and Dora was completely different. According to Alexander, “rebel narratives are written by the students who resist traditional literacy beliefs, conventions, and ideologies by rebelling against them. The students portray themselves as resisting the system rather than to dislike reading and writing.” (Alexander). In Shaylee’s narrative, her teacher acted as a negative sponsor to her. Her teacher would always take her book away whenever she was reading the books. Shaylee quoted, “My story isn’t the only one like it, so many people are shot down for being different by their own choice. It shouldn’t matter what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone.” As shown in this example, negative sponsor can lead one to write rebel narrative.

       Little and master narrative are related to each other. Some little narrative such as victim narrative may move to success or rebel narrative. It is dependent on the writer’s characteristic whether the narrative will be success or rebel. In Shamus’s narrative, he was affected by two different sponsors. His mindset toward English was negative when he met his first teacher. The first teacher was ignorant sponsor who influenced his students in a poor way. Shamus felt victimized in this situation. The situation however changes as Shamus enters new school and meets new teacher. The new teacher knew exactly what is needed for success and eventually lead him to change his mindset. The new teacher had a quality of positive sponsor in contrast to the first teacher. This is certain part from his narrative which explains the situation. “There are teachers who will ruin things for you, change you and make you want to quit. But all it takes is that one teacher, friend, and/or mentor to change your mindset.” He turned from victim narrative to success narrative by meeting new mentor. In Shaylee’s narrative, her teacher acted as a negative sponsor to her. Her teacher would always take her book away whenever she was reading the books. She felt victimized and rebelled against it. She quoted, “My story isn’t the only one like it, so many people are shot down for being different by their own choice. It shouldn’t matter what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone.” In contrast to Shamus she turned from victim narrative to rebel narrative. These examples show how one move from victim narrative to others.


After revision

Sponsors in a literacy contribute to the ones who are getting sponsored by in a various way. They usually play an important role in a literacy narrative. Sponsors can determine a trait of the writer’s story. The may lead the people to write a success narrative or a rebel narrative. Learners can often move from an identity to different identity in a narrative.

       According to Brandt, “sponsors are any agent who enable, support, teach… The concept of sponsorship is suggestive for explaining the outcome of one’s literacy success.” (Brandt 556). “Sponsors” is a fitting term for the figures who affect a lot in people’s memories of literacy learning such as teachers or supervisors. In Brandt’s passage he gives an actual example of how the quality of a sponsor can affect people. A person named Raymond was supervised by a professor in a university who could give more opportunities, while Dora Lopez was being sponsored by her parents who worked part time jobs at a local university. Raymond was provided with abundant knowledge and information from his surroundings. Dora was ethnic minority, and had to try extra hard to reach academic resources in her society. The outcome of Raymond and Dora was completely different. Raymond graduated from the university and became successful freelance writer of software and software documentation. Dora transferred from the university to technical college and was working for a cleaning company. This example proves that the kind of sponsor limits the potential of an individual.+quotes that shows this

“Sponsors…who regulate, suppress, or with-hold literacy” (Brandt 556).Sponsors can have negative effect to the ones who are getting sponsored by. (the part where she explains this) This lead students write rebel narrative. According to Alexander, “rebel narratives are written by the students who resist traditional literacy beliefs, conventions, and ideologies by rebelling against them. The students portray themselves as resisting the system rather than to dislike reading and writing.” (Alexander).

+Dora Lopez’s parents- where does Shaylee’s mother fit in the role of sponsorship(tell the context of the story)In Shaylee’s narrative, her teacher acted as a negative sponsor to her. Her teacher would always take her book away whenever she was reading the books. Shaylee quoted, “My story isn’t the only one like it, so many people are shot down for being different by their own choice. It shouldn’t matter what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone.” As shown in this example, negative sponsor can lead one to write rebel narrative.

       Little and master narrative are related to each other. Some little narrative such as victim narrative may move to success or rebel narrative. It is dependent on the writer’s characteristic whether the narrative will be success or rebel. In Shamus’s narrative, he was affected by two different sponsors. His mindset toward English was negative when he met his first teacher. The first teacher was ignorant sponsor who influenced his students in a poor way. Shamus felt victimized in this situation. The situation however changes as Shamus enters new school and meets new teacher. The new teacher knew exactly what is needed for success and eventually lead him to change his mindset. The new teacher had a quality of positive sponsor in contrast to the first teacher. This is certain part from his narrative which explains the situation. “There are teachers who will ruin things for you, change you and make you want to quit. But all it takes is that one teacher, friend, and/or mentor to change your mindset.” He turned from victim narrative to success narrative by meeting new mentor. In Shaylee’s narrative, her teacher acted as a negative sponsor to her. Her teacher would always take her book away whenever she was reading the books. She felt victimized and rebelled against it. She quoted, “My story isn’t the only one like it, so many people are shot down for being different by their own choice. It shouldn’t matter what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone.” In contrast to Shamus she turned from victim narrative to rebel narrative. These examples show how one move from victim narrative to others.

Revision Plan1

1)enrich body paragraph

-explain outcomes of the two different people in Brandt’s passage. add more analysis

-talk more about how sponsors determine the trait of the story and explain how someone move between identities in the narratives


-state my questions besides just writing about my claim

-make a comparison between a sponsor and the apprentice/master relationship and the apprentice/master relationship


3)Local (grammar, spelling, error patterns)

-add page number

class notes(2/26)


1)enrich body paragraphs

more connections


3)local  revision(spellings, grammar error patters)/signal phrases, voice markers, pivotal words

Draft of my literacy narrative archive

Sponsors in a literacy contribute to the ones who are getting sponsored by in a various way. They usually play an important role in a literacy narrative. Sponsors can determine a trait of the writer’s story. The may lead the people to write a success narrative or a rebel narrative. Learners can often move from an identity to different identity in a narrative.

Sponsors can have negative effect to the ones who are getting sponsored by. This lead students write rebel narrative. According to Brandt, “sponsors are any agent who enable, support, teach. The concept of sponsorship is suggestive for explaining the outcome of one’s literacy success.” (Brandt). “Sponsors” is a fitting term for the figures who affect a lot in people’s memories of literacy learning such as teachers or supervisors. In Brandt’s passage he gives an actual example of how the quality of a sponsor can affect people. A person named Raymond was supervised by some of the most powerful agents of the university, while Dora Lopez was being sponsored by her parents who worked part time jobs at a local university. The outcome of Raymond and Dora was completely different. According to Alexander, “rebel narratives are written by the students who resist traditional literacy beliefs, conventions, and ideologies by rebelling against them. The students portray themselves as resisting the system rather than to dislike reading and writing.” (Alexander). In Shaylee’s narrative, her teacher acted as a negative sponsor to her. Her teacher would always take her book away whenever she was reading the books. Shaylee quoted, “My story isn’t the only one like it, so many people are shot down for being different by their own choice. It shouldn’t matter what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone.” As shown in this example, negative sponsor can lead one to write rebel narrative.

Little and master narrative are related to each other. Some little narrative such as victim narrative may move to success or rebel narrative. It is dependent on the writer’s characteristic whether the narrative will be success or rebel. In Shamus’s narrative, he was affected by two different sponsors. His mindset toward English was negative when he met his first teacher. The first teacher was ignorant sponsor who influenced his students in a poor way. Shamus felt victimized in this situation. The situation however changes as Shamus enters new school and meets new teacher. The new teacher knew exactly what is needed for success and eventually lead him to change his mindset. The new teacher had a quality of positive sponsor in contrast to the first teacher. This is certain part from his narrative which explains the situation. “There are teachers who will ruin things for you, change you and make you want to quit. But all it takes is that one teacher, friend, and/or mentor to change your mindset.” He turned from victim narrative to success narrative by meeting new mentor. In Shaylee’s narrative, her teacher acted as a negative sponsor to her. Her teacher would always take her book away whenever she was reading the books. She felt victimized and rebelled against it. She quoted, “My story isn’t the only one like it, so many people are shot down for being different by their own choice. It shouldn’t matter what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone.” In contrast to Shamus she turned from victim narrative to rebel narrative. These examples show how one move from victim narrative to others.

